Relationships that deal in magic can be exceptionally spiritual. Contrary to belief the magical hands of both parties can bring an immense fortune in many different forms. Keeping in mind when one is unbeknownst to what is happening, this can trigger a disruptive energy in the relationship.
The “kept” women status is often a fulfillment in life. When a man asks a women to be his wife she has anchored down her most desired wishes. The man we see worthy in our minds is ideal. Love or personal gain, a women hooking her catch, to later obtain “The Wife” status is golden. …
There are Limekiln Trail and the waterfall trail. Both hikes begin on the same trail, and then in the middle, there’s a split that leads to two different endpoints.
There are Limekiln Trail and the waterfall trail. Both hikes begin on the same trail, and then in the middle, there’s a split that leads to two different endpoints.
There are Limekiln Trail and the waterfall trail. Both hikes begin on the same trail, and then in the middle, there’s a split that leads to two different endpoints.
There are Limekiln Trail and the waterfall trail. Both hikes begin on the same trail, and then in the middle, there’s a split that leads to two different endpoints.
“Do not dwell in the past, do not dream of the future, concentrate the mind on the present moment.”
“The whole secret of existence is to have no fear. Never fear what will become of you, depend on no one.” – Gautama Buddha
Do you remember your dreams? Have you had dreams of flying or falling, exploring a castle with winding staircases, being chased by a large animal, your teeth falling out? All these are fairly common dreams. Do you wonder what they could mean, or if they mean anything? What difference could it make in your life …